Social Media Marketing in Financial Services

Financial service providers and social media - how can you benefit? It's not news that Facebook has tremendous advertising potential and is ideal as a marketing channel. As a result, fans often feel directly connected to the company. A previously untouchable and abstract structure of a company thus has the opportunity to exchange briefly and concisely with the fan. Often a company is even perceived as a person at some point and fans like to get in touch with it. It all sounds very simple, it has happened many times and has proven itself in a wide variety of industries. Unfortunately, some industries have a hard time. These include the finance and insurance industries. But why? And how can they catch up there and catch up with other areas? According to the “Social Media Atlas 2013” study by Faktenkontor in Germany, anyone who wants to find out about insurance and financing offers or financial products rarely uses social media to find out about themed articles and offers. The study...